Saturday, June 7, 2014


And then their were two. The NBA playoffs this season has been long, harsh at times, and just down right tiring for all the players ans teams that took on the postseason journey falling the regular season. Now we are left with two power house teams. Two teams that take the word "team" to another context. Supers are the face of the franchise but they know their role which has lead these teams back to the finals. The Miami Heat this season have flew under the radar, after becoming the second seed team in the Eastern Conference this season. The SAN ANTONIO SPURS had a different rode to the finals then that of the Miami Heat. These teams knew each other very well as they both competed in the 2013 finals. First half the spurs would be up by seven at the half. Although the spurs would offensively abhorrent to the fact they would turn the ball over 20 times they would still stay in the game because of their defense. The heat would make a run at the beginning of the fourth but the mount functions in the Spurs stadium would limit key player such as Lebrom James etc from playing down the stretch. The spurs would take game number one similar to the 2013 NBA FINALS. WIll see Sunday who will take game two of the NBA FINALS. 

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