Tuesday, September 9, 2014

NFL Week 1 Recap

Week one of the NFL 2014-2015 season if officially in the books. From actual game time to domestic violence among players and their spouses, this has grown to be a week of twist and turns. As we focus on the pure game time of the NFL some teams came and showed out. First beginning with the match-up between the WASHINGTON REDSKINS and HOUSTON TEXANS. The Houston Texans came into this season, finishing as the worst team in the League for the NFL 2013-2014 season. Making things uncertain for the future of the team. It seemed as if all the components were there, just weren't coming together and becoming one cohesive unit. This made for a very interesting week one match-up as the redskins also faced similar trials in their 2013-2014 season. From the kick off, both teams showed their determination, as each defense held to their own. As the second quarter progressed, both teams would begin to warm up to each other; the redskins would score the games first touch down. Darrel Young would run 1 yard to solidify the tough drive by the redskins putting them up 7-0. The Texans would return the favor by scoring a touchdown as Ryan Fitzpatrick threw a 76 yard touchdown pass to DeAndre Hopkins for a the Houston Texans touchdown. Before the end of the half the Texans would have a wild change of events as rookie Alfred Blue returned a 5 yard punt blocked resulting in a Texans touchdown. Texans Randy Bullock extra point would be blocked. Second half, the battle of the defense would take full force once again, but that would change in the fourth.  The fourth quarter would start similar to that of the third as the Texans would grow their momentum, ending the game with a 42 yard field goal by Randy Bullock. The Houston Texans would go on to win it 17-6. 

Now as our focus shifts, not to game action, but to the legal disputes of the domestic violence cases in the NFL, bringing up the question, how much focus should the NFL pay to the safety and influence of its players?  As reported Ray Rice has been suspend from the NFL because of his recent release of a tape involving the domestic violence to his wife. The biggest question out of the story is , Is Ray Rice to blame for his absurd behavior?  Being very mindful, he is not the first or last NFL player to be involved in a case such as this, he is the first to be caught on tape doing it. We constantly encourage the typical NFL player to "crash the opponent to the ground" but should we be angry with them when they don't know, how to separate that from personal life to professional life? It is a very complicated issue to address, when all fans  and franchises want is a player that can beat the opponent on the field, not a player who is weak or average and is respectful to their spouse. The mental and physical state of the player is not put the for front. NFL players are human beings.  What is failed to be addressed is the subject that not every player comes from the same background. So when it is told to them to "crash the opponent to the ground" , separating that phrase from the football field and family can often be difficult and could possibly lead to them knocking their spouse unconscious. This issue isn't new to the NFL, it's just the first time that we have physically been able to capture the shots on a tape. So where does the NFL go from here? Not just addressing this case, but addressing all domestic violence cases involving NFL players, Ray Rice is definitely not the first player to do something like this and won't be the last.  

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