Saturday, November 8, 2014

What makes the state of Ohio.........

Yes, week 10 of the NFL season has been underway. Yes, it was the battle for the state of Ohio and yes the Bengals got their living guts knocked out of them. The rivalry between the Browns and the Bengals is something like no other. The bengals for years  have been the clear dominate team in the state of Ohio just simply because the Browns have never invested in the time to be "good". But let me say that is about to change. Johnny Manziel and the Browns franchise this season has turned a complete 360. Maybe it is because Lebron James has returned to Cleveland an they don't want to be the weak link. They have definitely exceeded that, as currently they are the most exciting thing happening in Ohio. Brian Hoyer is currently the starting quarterback for the browns organization, but Johnny Manziel is the face of the franchise. The cavaliers are every bit of a "mess". The browns currently sit tied in the NFC north. Last season honestly would you have expected the Cleveland Browns , a 4-12 team to be in the contention to be the leader in the AFC North?  Johnny Manziel has definitely brought some light to this franchise. Not to say that being tied for first place in your division won't draw viewers, Johnny is just  a additional draw.Some light he didn't even think was possible. The cavaliers were suppose to be doing that but currently their doing nothing besides trying to figure out who is responsible for upsetting the King. The loss of Tristan Thompson to the team due to salary cap issues is something Lebron will not put up with. Quite frankly I completely agree, he made an agreement with the cavaliers organization before coming their so as an organization they need to fulfill their end of the bargain. Anyway, while they figure out how to please Mr. James, the browns seem to have brought some hope to this city, in more than one way. The clear argument is what is exciting Cleveland fans the cavaliers salary/ team issues or that the browns are actually playing like a playoffs team for the first time ever. The browns are clearly gaining cavaliers fans.

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