Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Trade talks in December?

Boy has this been a interesting week in the NBA from the Lakers beating the Warriors. That game was ridiculous but on the behalf of the warriors. Now on to what needs to be discussed. This week has been a big week with trade talks and last dealing before the end of the year. Even though the trade deadline isn't until February the Mavericks could wait any longer. The urgency for a point guard for seeded any deadline. The missing peace to their already powerful starting five was a true point guard. Rajon Rondo would give them that and the faster they could trade to get him the better their chances were to be one of the top three teams in the west. The mavs have immediately turned into a top contender in the west although I wouldn't put them at the number one or two spot. The mavs defensively have to prove themselves before I would even consider moving them up to the two or one spot. With the addition of Rondo their defensive efforts should improve dramatically but until I see it I will not say this team will compete for the title of the Western Conference. On to some ever growing bigger news in the NBA, the release of Josh Smith over the past day has stirred an array of different feelings. Since Smith has played for Pistons his numbers have increasingly declined. The losing efforts of the Pistons franchise more than likely played into why his game has turned least effective, but the Houston Rockets saw this as a great opportunity to get a great player for a very low price. The Houston Rockets reportedly signed the veteran forward for 2 million over 1 year. That is basically chunk change for the rockets, considering the fact the rockets tried to sign Josh Smith back during the off season in 2013. The biggest question that has aroused is what will Smith bring to this team ? The rockets have eliminated a mid range game and have gone straight to a three point shot which is something that is not apart of Smith's game. Josh Smith is a player that dominates in the paint and has a low post game which is something the Rockets have lacked to this point. Although Smith was on the market as a free agent and was practically worth chunk change, This wasn't a wise decision by the Rocket. The Rockets are on set to be one of the best three point shooting teams ever.  Unless they plan to change their entire style of play they have basically wasted money. If its not broke don't fix it. At this point in the season, nearly 1/3 finish why would you change every thing that your team has known and stands for.

Basically the mavs did what they needed to do to be considered a top contender and the rockets just got a super star player because he was at a cheap price. Dwight Howard for all we know could be dealing on the side to his former AAU teammate because the rockets got him for so cheap. All in all it was just down right not smart decision. Will see what happens as we get closer to the trade deadline to see what other teams will be able to make a steal to advance their roster or just make dumb decision.

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