Thursday, February 4, 2016

"The Match-up" of Race in Society vs Sports

 Previous Article Continued ....

Gosh Race? Again Race? (sarcastically)Well yes, Race unfortunately is a huge part of how we see individuals in American culture and thus has translated to being a huge focal point of the quarterback match-up for this years Superbowl.

We as people, African Americans, carry a lot of emotions and wear our hearts on our sleeves similarly to athletes. Cam Newton, an African American man and football player relates to both the emotional history of African Americans in this country and the emotions over the course of a game. In Cam Newtons case, his comments suggest he doesn't want to step on any toes because of his true feelings surrounding how the African American quarterback is viewed by the media.

With his platform, he can address anything he wants and it doesn't have to be purely racial issues. If you imply race is an important part of who (Cam) you are (rightfully)... you shouldn't shy away from giving some context of the history of your people at that position... the good and bad...regardless if people will use your personal experiences against you.
I want to EMPOWER him, with the platform he has... he shouldn't care about what the white, purple, or green man will say about his personal feelings because they will have something to say regardless! If he were to speak directly from his heart about the way African American males are looked at by society and at the quarterback position people would be forced to shut up and listen and take note.

The issue I have with the comments he made last week, he left it up to the readers discretion to analyze the importance of him mentioning "African American" vs. the fact he is "6'5" or "Athletic". Think about it this way...

"I am a SHORT person, and some people might feel some type of way". *Puts on Journalist hat* the first thing I would ask is... why are you just mentioning one aspect of your physical being and not any other. Why didn't you say "I am a writer" that is also one facet of you. The importance of "SHORT" being in caps and mentioned explicitly instead of any other attribute is left to be interpreted by the reader.

  And so ...

Many African Americans knew exactly what he meant but many African Americans are not the majority of NFL fans. If you're going to specifically mention race in your statement you have to give context and background on the importance of mentioning it over your other attributes. If people pick you apart because you explain the importance of mentioning you are African American then so be it... at the end of the day there is no grey area or area in which they can assume anything.

I have no problem with the statement because I feel the statement itself is true. What I do have an issue the context of the statement. As I stated before, Cam Newton knows better then anyone else in the NFL... he has been given an opportunity that many black quarterbacks would have loved. To have a coach and owner that backs you 100 % since day one is something Vince Young would have loved. The context of the statement wasn't "clear cut" it was left up to the fan, writer, journalist... interpret the importance of the mentioning "African American" to their choosing. That is what I challenge him and any others that have the platform and willingness to express themselves to do...EXPLAIN...

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