Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Why the "Steph Curry Phenom" doesn't exist

Three years ago you were either for LeBron or Kobe. It was one or the other. If you weren't for LeBron or Kobe, then you typically would just root against LeBron... but then last season came.

Steph Curry did something NBA fans never witnessed. Not even Jordan could touch Steph's ability to launch it from the half court logo. Steph has the wettest shooting stroke in NBA history, but it wasn't just his ability to shoot the three ball that mesmerized fans. It was his ability to shoot effortlessly from beyond 30 ft. Yes, his 3 point makes were equivalent to a LeBron dunk, "that's just too easy, but it was more to the phenom then the way the baby faced assassin heaved it from beyond the arch that intrigued basketball fans. His normalcy  in the media with his family despite winning the leagues most prestigious award resonated with fans.

But the notion that he has taken over the NBA and is the world's best player doesn't sit well with a lot of NBA fans. Five years ago if you weren't a LeBron supporter you were a Kobe lover and vice versa but now that Kobe has retired the assumption is, Kobe fans will gravitate to Steph supporters .... Ant ant... not happening. Kobe Fans like many LeBron fans are not buying Chef Curry's acrobatic and effortless offensive game.

The way Steph Curry's greatness and consistency just appeared out of practically no where doesn't sit well with a lot of NBA fans, my self included. Just like it was Magic vs Larry, Isiah vs Jordan, and A.I. vs Kobe, we were lacing it up for LeBron vs Durant for the next five plus years. Nowhere in that statement did I mention Curry. I'm still waiting on my 2012 Finals rematch of OKC vs LeBron. It's like giving me a taste of Dryer's Chocolate moose ice cream. After the taste, I want the entire gallon. We received a sample size of what the next rivalry in the NBA could look like, and we would like the finish it off.

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