Monday, July 25, 2016

Durant's Decision to form a superteam

So the term "Super Team" has been the topic of the NBA for the better part of a month. Or since Kevin Durant decided to take his talents to Golden State Warriors... NBA fans (Myself included) fumbled with the question of "why". "Why would you leave your current team for the team who knocked you out of the playoffs?" "Why if you did choose to leave, Go specifically to that team?" So many "why's" and not enough "because's", right. Well to sports fans that's what it as seemed like.

Now that K.D. has joined the Warriors what does this mean for the rest of the league? Well, let's just say for now, only a blockade around the three point line could stop this soon to be juggernaut.

Kevin Durant is now part of that juggernaut... and well best of luck to the rest of the league. But why did he choose the Warriors? That team? That specific group of guys? The answer he chose to give "it felt like a family?" But didn't last season he say Russell is "like his little brother?" Raises some major questions. "Felt like a family" seems to me that the Thunder organization as a whole made Kevin Durant fell uneasy, the only person he confided in was Russell Westbrook. If that is to be true. Makes sense why he left. But still why the Warriors? The same team that came back from down 3-1 in the Western Conference finals against you?

 Kevin Durant and Draymond Green had a strong relationship far before midnight struck on July 1st. So now the puzzle is coming together. In addition, to Draymond strong ties with the 2014 league MVP, Andre Igoudala text'd with Durant every day of the 2015-2016 season. So when meetings began July 1st, it came as no surprise, Durant knew if he were to leave the place which made him... he knew exactly where he was headed.

Now that we know how this barrage of talent came to be on one team, if you're one of the other 29 teams in the league how do you come out with a win against them.  Let's just get one point perfectly clear, "you will not beat this team trying to outscore them". It just won't happen. Let me also add, defending them doesn't seem like an option either because their offense is just to good. So what can you do. You can pray to the lord in the might heavens above "Lord, please let this be an off night for the Warriors just please, Lord". Also praying that you have the game of your life will also help your campaign to a win.

Kevin Durant will go down as one of the best scorers of all time. The best at his position and the best for a player over 6'8. What people aren't talking about is what was manifesting within the OKC organization. By Kevin Durant making the comment "It felt like a family" it made me wonder "was OKC not a family was it just two brothers stranded on an island alone?" By him making that statement in addition to none of the OKC players vouching for their organization at the team meetings it surely, had me thinking. Whatever his real feelings were toward the Thunder's front office and other teammates it seemed like it was a dissolving marriage far before NBA free agency began.

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