Saturday, December 5, 2015

What does it mean to be Clutch ?

I want first to begin by saying Michael Jordan was the most clutch player in NBA history. It wasn't because he was one of the best offensive players, the game had ever seen or because of his athleticism. When it comes to being a clutch player it takes a little knowledge and understanding of the situation at hand. If there is 5 seconds left on the clock, "What will it take to walk out of the arena with a 'W'?".

The most important asset to any athlete is their intellect of the specific situation. "What will it take to get a step ahead of your opponent?" As I watched the Cavaliers play the Pelicans last night, December 4, 2015  something became very apparent. LeBron James took over this game for the Cavaliers in the fourth quarter but with 8 seconds left on the clock he relied on his observation of other basketball legends, rather than rationalizing the situation. Just the night earlier LeBron's former teammate, Dwyane Wade, was in a similar situation as his team took on the Oklahoma City Thunder. The Heat were down by one 96-95, Dwyane Wade had 7 seconds left in regulation to drive the ball all the way to the basket where he meet three Thunder defenders  (Russell Westbrook, Serge Ibaka, and Dion Waiters) leaving 0.01 left on the game clock. Wade knew he could hit both of his free throws. Those were clutch free throws leading to him winning the game for the Heat at the free throw line. So why can't LeBron win games in a similar way, especially because he is stronger and can finish at the rim while also getting fouled in clutch situations?  Michael Jordan back in the day, Kobe Bryant and now Steph Curry have glamorized the game with their wet smooth shooting stroke. LeBron, was unique  entering the league, being predicted to be THE BEST ever to play the game as sophomore in high school but he has tried to fit himself into the mold of the basketball greats.... the ones that came before him..... In other words Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and even Steph Curry were not predicted to be anything when they entered the league they had to work countless hours etc. They didn't have the big built body or the God-given physical stature to score at will. The statement LeBron needs to consider every time he is in a clutch situation is..."Sometimes you just have to grind it out."

I know LeBron has asked not to" Compare greats" but in some ways he has fallen victim to the traditional jump shot in the clutch and that is not his strength... and frankly during his career it never has, his physical stature has been his biggest asset since he came into the league. Obviously, I'm not his body so I don't know how many hits he can take every night, but I do know his strength is going straight "to the rack" and he has failed to do that multiple times in the clutch.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Finishing where he left off...

Somethings just aren’t fair in the NBA. Steph Curry’s ability to pull up from practically anywhere on the court is  one of those things.

Typically when a defender is guarding an opponent( as talented as Steph Curry) one on one the primary goal is to either make him shoot a tough shot or force him into getting rid of the basketball. In Steph Curry’s case it goes far deeper then that when it comes to defending the reining MVP. The simple answer is you practically have to guard him once he is beyond half court.

Just unbelievably crazy what he has done to start the season. MVP watch. 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

So we're here ..

So who is the team to watch out for this season?

This is a looming question on a lot of basketball fans minds, particularly in the Western Conference. They're so many loaded teams in the West. It's very difficult to say there is a definite number 1 seed. The easy choice would be the reining NBA champion, Golden State Warriors, especially given their recent out lashes of criticism of their NBA Championship.

It goes far deeper than that.....

I will break down who I feel has the potential to be the overall number one seed in the Western Conference and the Eastern Conference.

The Western Conference, aka the Mount Everest Conference, will go down to the wire for the first place spot. For starters, there are six distinct teams on paper ready to win an NBA championship in the West. I feel there are three teams that have addressed major issues during their offs-season putting them strides above the rest. The Houston Rockets, Golden State Warriors, and San Antonio Spurs. You might ask, Why the San Antonio Spurs? or the Houston Rockets? These two teams over the past three seasons (minus last season for the Spurs) have consistently shown growth. The Houston Rockers addressed their dire need for another ball handler and playmaker outside of James Harden. While Patrick Beverly and Trevor Ariza tried their best to create for others ...the reality of the situation is they couldn't. They were exposed during the Western Conference finals. For this team that was an excellent step in the right direction after two failed runs. With the addition of Ty Lawson's play making and shooting ability, this team addressed their major question mark following their loss to the Warriors in the Conference finals. This team still has a mental block to over come, which was exposed during the Conference Semi- Finals, against the Los Angeles Clippers. The Warriors on the other end are sitting on top of a "The World" or so they thought..... well.. until critiques began to question the legitimacy of their championship....The anger and hostility built up following comments from people within the league has created a chip on the reining World Champions shoulders. What ever the case is the Warriors are still "the hunted." All of their key players that contributed to their championship run are returning and the team even has something to prove...well kind of...  well to a few people within the league... At the end of the day, this team has set a trend that many around the league have followed following their Championship win so it sounds like these insiders within the league might be expressing some level of jealousy. The San Antonio Spurs will always be " the hunted" regardless of who is on their team. As long as the franchise has Tim Duncan and Popovich, the team will be a key target for any team in the league. With the addition of LeMarcus Aldridge this team became an even larger threat. (Aldridge has gotten off to a slow start during the Preseason, but that is to be expected as he adjusts to a new team and new coaching staff.)

On to the Eastern Conference......

The Eastern Conference... All we need to talk about are the expectations for the Cleveland Cavaliers this season and we can call it a day...I mean they will continue to be the Eastern Conference champion...?... Well, it won't be that simple this year. There are two distinct teams that could challenge the Cavaliers this season for the Eastern Conference Championship. In an average Eastern Conference, The Cleveland Cavaliers, Miami Heat, and Milwaukee Bucks are my top three teams in the East. The Cleveland Cavaliers, are the reining Eastern Conference champions and are worthy of the spot but with the injury bug seemly hitting the team at every corner this team is probable to mess up. Let's be clear the Cavaliers are the team to beat in the Eastern Conference but with the teams brittle nature its hard to say they are the definite winner of the East. With their additions in their back court and at forward and center this team is more prepared for injuries this season then last but that doesn't give them a free pass to the finals. The Miami Heat, on the other end, battled for a playoff birth at the end of the season, but would ultimately be on the outside looking in... This season the team has made major upgrades to compete with the reining Eastern Conference Champion, Cleveland Cavaliers. Chris Bosh return to the line up will be crucial for this team if they plan to compete with the Cavaliers or possibly defeat the Cavaliers during the playoffs.  Different then either one of these teams, The Milwaukee Bucks are new to the scene... this is a series statement... the average age of the Bucks starters is 23 in comparison to 27 and 30 for the Cleveland Cavaliers and Miami Heat respectively. The Bucks are the team to beat as Dwyane Wade and LeBron James come out of their prime. This team made a statement during the post season last year against the Bulls stretching the series to 6 games. With the addition of Greg Monroe this team could be a true spoiler come playoff time.

Over all, I feel the Western Conference first place team will be a coin flip. If the Warriors are truly as angry as they are showing about the chatter around the league of their championship win, that could prove to be a problem. Over all the Rockets and Warriors are the two teams that in contention for the first place spot. I feel the Spurs will need another season. Tim Duncan will be playing center, for the first time in his 19 season career. That could prove to be something smaller than it seems because the game is moving toward " small ball" so it might not be a big adjustment. The Eastern Conference, on the other hand, has a clear Champion. It is the Cleveland Cavaliers win to lose. The Bucks could be a spoiler but I think they have another season before I could say they could test LeBron and company. But please believe the Bucks are coming ......

Sunday, September 27, 2015

AND NBA season is back ....

The start to the NBA season is right around the corner which means.... back to the sleepless nights.. buzzer beats and heart ache. I like many other basketball fans are looking forward to this season especially the Western Conference. If this season is as wild and adventurous as the free agency period NBA fans will be in for a treat.

The 2015 NBA draft showed fans where their team was on its NBA title aspirations. The Minnesota Timberwolves among the top headlined teams for their rebuilding process. With a young strong core, it is a strong possibility the Timberwolves could be vying for the Western Conference Championship in the next three to four seasons. Other teams that made a strong statement in this years draft were the Phoenix Suns and Utah Jazz. The Suns were left, right outside of a tenaciously talented Western Conference playoffs. This teams 3-pt field goal percentage last season was one of the worst in the league. By the team adding Devin Booker, a sharp shooter, to their lineup it will get the team into an offensive rhythm and get the moving up the floor a lot faster. The Utah Jazz on the other hand are in a rebuilding phase adding another weapon to their core during this years draft. Trey Lyles is one of the many young talented players the Jazz have  drafted over the past three years.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

To the Finish line we go .....

And just like that the MLB regular season is in its final weeks. Crazy RIGHT?..... with the start to the NBA season on the horizon it is a clear indication the race to the MLB playoffs is just beginning.  The division winners seem to be in the drivers seat heading into the final month of the season but as witnessed before nothing is guaranteed especially in an extremely loaded American League. The true battle lies in the American League wild card spots.  The two final playoff spots most likely will go down to the final week of the season. The New York Yankees, the first place seeded wild card team, has a 4 game lead on the second seeded Texas Rangers. You might ask....., so where is the battle? The Rangers are only 1 game ahead of the third seeded, Minnesota Twins.  This will make for a interesting finish to the season. The Texas Rangers have been one of the hottest teams in baseball the second half of the season. Since July 17th  the Rangers have won 27 games to the Twins 20 games. Which poses the question.. will the Rangers sustain their winning? At this point every team (not including division winners) is pulling out every possible weapon they have to finish and possible grasp the wild card spot.

I think its obvious to say the New York Yankees are in the clear drivers seat to receive at least one of the AL wild card spots. I think its also important to point out the Yankees did not make any big trades before the trade deadline. This could pose an issue as we near closer to the playoffs. I would not be surprised if the Yankees weren't to make the playoffs at all. I know this might upset some fans or maybe half of the baseball world but in the past ..... as recent as last season this team has not be the decorated franchise in which it represents. (the post season). It will come down to who wants it more and the Rangers at the Twins have taken the first step (needed trades at the pitching position etc) to solidify their playoff hopes/spots.

P.S. I'm not saying the Yankees are a bad team. This season they haven't made the upgrades to address their  issues at pitching and offense (batting) as the other AL wild card contending teams.

Monday, August 24, 2015

So who will be the rookie of the year ....

I know this is extremely early.... especially because NBA training camp won’t begin until mid-late September but… I’m an avid NBA fan so.. I am making my prediction for rookie of the year. I'm going to get straight to it. A few weeks ago the NBA conducted a rookie survey among the draft class of 2015. Despite the results of Jahlil Okafor walking a way with the vote for Rookie of the year, I think another player has the potential to challenge the vote. Devin Booker, drafted 13th over all to the Phoenix Suns, has the potential to be a star in the NBA. Not just any star but a star that could possibly challenge the position of Golden States, Klay Thompson in the near future.  You might ask how? or in what way?  Klay Thompson similar to Booker is a technically sound sharp shooter, both able to shoot from anywhere on the floor. Thompson is still developing his game primarily on defense entering his fifth season in the NBA but the Booker has show cased more skills earlier in his career then Thompson. The potential to be better then Thompson is evident.

The Phoenix Suns backcourt rotation consists of Eric Bledsoe and Brandon Knight. There isn't secure depth behind the one two punch (Bledsoe and Knight), which presents an opportunity for Booker. Booker will not start at the beginning of the season, but if he shows his ability to shoot and compete on the defensive side of the ball he might be the Suns starting shooting guard as soon as January. If he doesn't have the starting shooting guard spot by January it will be difficult to make the argument he deserves Rookie of the year honors but his future is extremely bright in the NBA. 

The Suns are one of many teams in the west that have left fans and critiques wondering "what will they be this season?” Its extremely hard to gage if this team will be a playoff team especially in a loaded Western Conference but what is for certain is the organization is taking steps in the right direction. With an excellent draft and a good off season this team could turn heads and possibly sneak into the 7th or 8th seed in the West.  Or maybe it’s my optimism. This ball club without a doubt is on the “come up.” I’m not sure if they will have enough to compete with the elite teams of the west but they are opening eyes.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

An Update with the BLOG...

Well as you can tell I have fall'n off with my post about the NFL season. My focus is narrowed to the final stretch of the MLB season and off season of the NBA. Odd much ?. Especially with the start to the NFL season weeks away. I apologize in advance for my lack of post about the NFL.

Now on the key importance of this post..... actually it will follow this post

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Last push to make it to the finish line

As the post seasons lures near the final push in the MLB's to make the cut is in the minds of fans, and players. The wild and adventurous trade period set up fans for this wild push to the end of the regular season but the surprises continue to appear. Teams such as the Texas Rangers, Houston Astros, and New York Mets are making sure their names will not be left out of post season talks as they have been some of the hottest teams since the All Star break. The Houston Astros this season were a team that came from left field starting the season extremely hot before leveling off right before the All-Star break. The Astros currently lead the American League West, four games over the Los Angeles Angels. A team just last season considered to be the worst team in baseball, The Houston Astros are arguably the team to beat.  The Mets similar to the Astros didn't have high expectations coming into the season but since the All-Star break have turned some heads. The low expectations this season have stunned people in the baseball world including fans making for an interesting last few weeks of the season.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Woo hoo's of the draft

Let me begin by saying.... The 2015 draft class has more potential star players then any class I have seen. Thats not saying much ... I started watching the draft in 2010.....So over the past five years ...

Now on to the picks of the draft ... Thats what I'm here to write about ...I will first begin with the top three picks in the draft... Karl Anthony Towns, drafted number one over all, was a great pick for the Timberwolves. Dominate presence at the power forward position........he was exactly what they needed heading into next season.The Lakers picked number two over all. In my opinion, I dont think they made the right decision. D'angelo Russell, drafted number two over all, was great on college film and during his time with the Buckeye's .....but his size is not ideal at the point guard position. He will struggle... because of his lack of length and size... Jahlil Okafor should have went number two over all. The recent struggles within the Lakers organization over the past week to land a "big man" in free agency.....might bring some doubt into the minds of the lakers front office. There aren't many dominate big men in the NBA.... In the rare occasion when one is available in the draft its important to draft them. D'Angelo Russell isn't a bad player .... in fact the Lakers needed a point guard entering the season  but they could have signed a point guard through free agency ....

The surprises did not end outside of the top three picks.. The number fifth and sixth pick had every basketball fan including my self lost for words. The Orlando Magic chose an international player with the fifth pick in the draft. The curve balls continued the Sacromento Kings selecting Willie Cauley-Stein at sixth. The selection was not a bad selection .... just ... I wouldn't have selected him at sixth. Given what the Sacromento Kings roster looks like .. it would have made more since to trade down and get a few additional draft picks. If they would have traded down to number 9, he would have still been available. To round off the top 10 ...Kentucky shooting guard Devin Booker was not selected in the top 10 after a record breaking season shooting 40 % from 3. Booker would go 13th over all to the Phoenix suns.

The biggest surprise of the night.....Duke guard Justise Winslow slid to number 10 ... falling into the hands of Miami Heat president, Pat Riley. This was a true blessing for the Miami Heat given everything that has happened to the team over the past year. The biggest  steal of the night. In addition to the miss evaluation of  Justise Winslow in the draft, Aaron Harrison, University of Kentucky starting Shooting guard, went undrafted. This was the BIGGEST SHOCK of the draft. After brother Andrew Harrison went 44th over all to the Memphis Grizzlies I was positive Aaron Harrison would be a late second rounder. When he went undrafted I immediately thought ... " whoever signs this kid will get a ultimate steal. "  Aaron Harrison was ranked number 2 in the country according to ESPNU top 100 high school basketball players in 2013. This lead him to a two year career at The University of Kentucky. Would Aaron Harrison  in 2015 go undrafted? I dont think any basketball fan would have asked that question following the NCAA tournament last season, after watching Harrison knock down clutch shot after clutch shot for the wildcats. Harrison can play positions 1-3 because of his size and length at the shooting guard position... standing 6'6.

There was plenty of misjudgement heading into this years draft. We will have to see how all of these prospects fair in  the big leagues.... I do know who ever ends up with Aaron Harrison on their roster will get the ultimate stealing going into the 2015-2016 season.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Ok wait.... How could I forget about the NBA draft !

A highly predicted historic NBA draft is upon us...... set to begin Thursday. Despite my last post I did not forget about the NBA draft. In fact, despite the hype surrounding the top two picks in the favorite players are neither Jahlil Okafor or Karl Anthony Towns. Towns, is the most skilled big man in the draft because of his ability to shoot open jumpers and ability to work on the block .........but two players in this draft have been over looked. Devin Booker and Justise Winslow are two of the most underrated players in the draft. On Chad Ford's big board Justise Winslow is predicted to go seventh and Devin Booker is predicted to go tenth over all. Justise Winslow in my opinion is one of the top three talents in this draft. His versatility to play positions one through three, create his own shot, and defend all positions on the floor makes him a dangerous player. On the flip side Devin Booker is the best pure shooting guard in this years draft...... hands down... there is no debate. His abilities weren't on full display during his time at Kentucky because his role was so clearcut by Coach Calipari.

Since the NBA is moving toward a more jump shooting league these two players could apply their skills to any NBA roster as soon as next season. Booker backed up Aaron Harrison during his time at Kentucky and was brought in strictly to shoot the three. He was not able to show his mid range jump shot skills. Winslow began to show his skills during the NCAA tournament which helped his stock. Game by game, Winslow looked to be more valuable then many predicted in the draft........not only for his over all game but his size at his position. His potential to get better... only he knows.

It will be interesting to see these two player over the next five years. In five years Winslow or Booker could win the league MVP or best defensive player of the year. Who knows what the future will hold for these players.... I believe one if not both of these players will be extremely successful in this league.... 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

And just like that No NBA until OCTOBER......

The NBA finals have now come to a close. The Golden State Warriors won the Championship....... but many have questioned the legitimacy of their championship. Considering the fact Steph Curry didn't face off against any healthy starting point guards the entire playoffs.... some would go as far as saying .....this championship should have an astrix next to it. I wouldn't go that far. Lets be honest the Golden State Warriors had the over all best record in the league (out of both conferences). The argument of this season having more injured super stars then usual could be used to counter that statement. I agree with the counter argument, but they're is something to think about. The Warriors built up such a large leads in the fourth quarter during the regular season Steph Curry rarely played. I agree..... this season more then any other season had a NBA Finals Champion before the contending began. The award had their name on it.... they just had to claim the prize. It goes deeper...... having "luck" and many other things swing your way over the course of the season is the recipe for the NBA Championship. The Warriors cooked up the recipe and deserved the Championship.

Now on to next season and the NBA draft which will begin a week from Thursday. If the Warriors plan to repeat this Championship........ Luck will have to be on their side again. If the injury bug happens to sweep every team in the league again except the Warriors..... you will have to wonder......are they plotting on their competition.

On to the interesting news, the Cleveland Cavaliers next season will be the favorite(if all players are back and healthy) to win the championship. I personally think they need more reliable wing men (guards) out on the perimeter...... getting the job done in big game situations..... but that is just me.  A  player who could fill that role is Noris Cole. Noris Cole, a free agent and former teammate of LeBron James, won two championships in Miami, and was a force on the defensive end. His approach of bringing high energy off the bench was the central reason..... why I thought they won their 2013 Championship. Cole is a free agent this off season and a North East Ohio native ........ knowing LeBron.....he will definitely take advantage of a former teammate and Ohio native by adding him to the roster. In addition he knows what Cole can contribute under pressure and on the Finals stage.

In the West..... I still believe regardless of how this season played out the Oklahoma City Thunder are the best and deepest team in the Western Conference. They are followed by the San Antonio Spurs and Golden State Warriors. No matter what happened this season the Warriors won a fluky Championship. While it was well deserved...... it was to EASY. Every team they faced in the playoff was not at full strength. Its hard to give them all the credit when they weren't given the opportunity to compete against the top teams at full strength. If they are able to win again next season ......I will apologize for that statement.

The Thunder with a healthy Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook and Serge Ibaka protecting the front line would have been a true test for the Warriors coming out of the West. Unfortunately, they weren't given the opportunity to face off against them. I hope next season these two teams (if everyone is healthy) are able to face off against each other in the Western Conference Finals. That would be a true treat for basketball fans. I would love to be wrong about the Warriors. I have to see them beat the best teams in the Western Conference in a 7 games series at full strength before I can give them full credit for this Championship.

With that being said.... its sad basketball season is over but the draft will be next Thursday and their is a lot of talent in the 2015 draft. The wait for these players to make their stamp on the league is long awaited.  I'm excited about how they will impact and change the game. Super excited for the 2015-2016 NBA season set to begin in October.

Great season!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Are we witnessing HISTORY ....

I many NBA fans are rooting for NBA history to be made this season in the finals. This goes beyond the Cavaliers winning their first NBA title ever or the Warriors winning their first title in 40 years. A personal accomplishment of LeBron James..... not only catching Magic Johnson in the race for the leagues most triple doubles in the Finals but Michael Jordan, Jerry West, and Rick Barry for most points scored and averaged among three games in the finals. James is in first place with 123 points scored in the first three games of a finals series followed by Rick Barry and Jerry West.

When Kyrie Irving went down it was apparent the Cavaliers had no chance against the high powered offense of the Golden State Warriors. A different message has been absorbed through the first three games. When Irving went down in game one a new star emerged for the Cavaliers and the phrase "Next man up" was the exact motto of, Cavaliers guard, Matthew Dellavedova. His defensive lift since being inserted into the starting line up was huge for the Cavaliers. I hate to say it but defensively he has caused Steph Curry more problems then, teammate, Kyrie Irving. What ever the case may be this team is completely locked in defensively. The way the Cavaliers have held the Warriors to under 100 points during regulation after they average 110 points during the regular season is nothing short of remarkable.

We are witnessing history in the making. It was never a question of could LeBron be the Michael Jordan of this era it was a matter of him physically showing it out on the court. His physical stature puts him above all the greats because of his ability to play all positions on the floor. The way he has willed this team into believing they have a chance to beat one of the top three (regular season records) teams in NBA history is nothing short of pure greatness. If he is able to pull this off and get his third ring there is no question of who the best player is..... that has played the game.

*P.S. Michael Jordan is my favorite player but there is no way you could ignore the history that is unfolding in this finals. LeBron James would be the best player to play the game ... no other player could do what he has done with this team in the finals ... NOT ONE ...

Saturday, June 6, 2015

LeBron's urgency for a third championship ... looms

The promise King James made in front of hundreds in Cleveland, Ohio last summer seems to be his reality. While many believed the Cavaliers had a legitimate shot at the title this season, the "injury bug" said otherwise. LeBron said in his speech "it will take time" but I don't think he imagined it would be because of the health of the team. The loss of a championship in Miami during the first season of " the big three" era wasn't due to injury but yet the chemistry of the three super stars . It also was a key concern for LeBron heading into this season. The focus has now shifted to no longer worrying about the chemistry factor of the team but the longevity and health of the players.  

The Larry O'Brien trophy day by day is becoming out of reach for LeBron James and The Cleveland Cavaliers. "The cards are stacked against them" is an understatement. LeBron James is not getting any younger and with a new age of rising stars...... his era of dominance is slowly closing. This isn't to say, once the Cavaliers get all their pieces back intact next season they won't be able to win a championship... it goes far deeper...... This team at some point will win a championship......the question is ....  Will King James be able to win multiple Championships with this group?.... That has yet to be determined. With their leader currently 2-3 in NBA finals .. the urgency to win is more prevalent then ever. The job will not get any easier because the Indiana Pacers, Washington Wizards, and Chicago Bulls next season could be legitimate threats in the Eastern Conference and to championship aspirations of the Cleveland Cavaliers. 

I believe next season the Oklahoma City Thunder and the Indiana Pacers will be in the finals . The Oklahoma City Thunder's starting forward and guard, Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook, spent most of the season playing without each other. The Thunder's ability during the regular season to add pieces to expand their bench was key to their future championship aspirations... possibly as soon as next season. In addition to a deep bench the Thunder arguably have two of the top five players (When healthy) in the league. This will be one of the team to keep on your radar in the loaded Western Conference next season. 

 On the flip side the Pacers were without their staring forward,Paul George, for most of the regular season. The Pacers similar to the Bulls could have been a true road block for the Cavaliers. Unfortunately the return of Paul George was a little to late. Their ability to pick up a great player, high in the NBA draft will add to a strong roster. 

This season in one phrase..... "played into the hands of the Golden State Warriors". It seems as if every team except the Warriors throughout the post season battled with physical lingering injuries and many Cavalier fans and fans around the league would agree with that statement. .  How ever you chose to identify this playoff run by the Cavaliers, the "will to compete" is embed into every players DNA on their roster. With two of their "big three"going out in the post season, their ability to make it to the NBA finals speaks for its self. You can't deny or ignore the fight the team put up..... after staring adversity in the face multiple times. 

My main point here is...... the Cavaliers will be the favorite to return to the finals and win a championship next season if all their pieces stay in tact. I would not be surprised if the Pacers were able to dethrone the king from the Eastern Conference Championship title. The effects of going to the finals ....5 straight seasons in this era has shown its physical drainage on the King. This leads me to believe at some point he will need a break. Based on his record in the finals its assumed fatigue has played a factor in the successes and failures on the biggest stage in professional basketball. If he returns for a 6th straight finals appearance... its likely the Thunder's  bench will be a determining factor in the series. This chapter of the dominance of King James is turning a new page. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

And then ... there were....

And then there were two. That is two winners. A Eastern Conference Champion and a Western Conference Champion. Now given the opportunity to battle for the World Championship. Yes. The moment every NBA fan has been waiting for..... has arrived. But how did these teams get on “The BIG stage”?

For one thing the greatness of LeBron James can never be questioned. His arrival to Cleveland was spot on. The Cleveland Cavaliers just a season ago received the number one pick in the NBA draft is now a team contending for a title. That just doesn’t happen everyday. On the flip side the Golden State Warriors were considered one of the top offensive teams for two consecutive seasons, but weren’t able to make it over "the hump" of the post season. The season they changed coaches... they're in the finals?....

The best player in the world vs. the MVP……. that doesn't make since.  Yes, I will repeat  “The BEST PLAYER IN THE WORLD vs THE MVP”.  Some viewers that aren’t avid basketball fans might question the logic in that statement. Steph Curry was the league MVP for the 2014-2015 season but he was not the best all around player. To better explain this statement I will make it simple. Steph Curry doesn’t lead the league in ast., rebounds, or triple doubles there for he isn't the best player in the world. This isnt to disrespect the talent of and ability of Steph Curry. He isnt 6’9, 300 pounds, nearly impossible to match-up against…. The list goes on ......but you get the point. Steph Curry just isn't that guy, this doesn't mean he isn't among the top 5 all around players in the league. Steph Curry makes an impact on the game but has yet to show his will to “carrying his team on his back to lead them to victory”.

This leads to the team dynamics in this years finals …..Steph Curry hasn’t prove'n he can single handedly will his team to victory…. Why is that? The Warriors are comprised of multiple players outside of the “splash brothers” that compliment the work of the back court duo, specifically the acrobatics of Steph Curry. This was proven in the playoffs when the Warriors took on the Rockets. Steph Curry was injuried at the beginning of the second quarter of game four.  During his absence the team rallied together as Klay Thompson erupted for 15 points in the final 7 minutes of the half to cut the deficit to 10. The team would also receive contributions from Draymond Green, Shaun Livingston and Leandro Barbosa. The run took place while Steph Curry was not on the floor. The argument throughout the season “The warriors could still be a playoff team without Steph Curry” was proven in that very moment.

On to their opponent the Cleveland Cavaliers....... the narratives that have followed the Cavaliers all season are“ This is LeBron’s team”, “LeBron is running the show in Cleveland”. Both of these statements without a doubt are true ….. I wouldn't say they are 100 % true but with the best player in the World on your team why wouldn't you allow him to “run the show”. When you have an executive, coach, and the best player in the world packaged into one person ….. its safe to say your team is in good hands.
The team dynamics with the Cavaliers have changed throughout the season. The way they have jelled in the post season is unmatched but wasn't always the case during the regular season. The team over the pasted few month ironed out their communication hardships to lean together in light of the playoffs .... so.... Does this mean they have a legit chance of winning the championship? That has yet to be prove'n.....

On to predictions….. A.K. A.  my thoughts of what will happen. Based on what has transpired this post season, it is the Cavaliers Championship to lose. I think ultimately the series will go seven games but I believe the Cavaliers will come out on top. They have played the most consistent out of any team this post season this post season. Defensively they have completely shut players down which I expect them to do with Steph Curry. I believe the Cavaliers have a few players they can throw at Steph Curry on defense. Only one team the Warriors have faced this post season had a player that could defend Steph Curry. Mike Conley of the Memphis Grizzlies did an excellent job on Curry the first three games of the series before fatigue took over. The fatigue factor when guarding a player of Curry’s caliber will be very important especially when you have a few guys that could defend him fairly well. The Cavaliers will rotate multiple guys on him,which is something Memphis was not able to do. This will be very important to slow down the Warriors. 

My main point here is the Cleveland Cavaliers will win the series in seven games or less. In order for this to happen they either have to win both game one and two or split the first two games. They cannot go down 0-2 headed back home for game three.  (If the warriors go up 2-0 they will win the series)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Western Conference Final match-up

And then there were two……..That is two in the Western Conference. A loaded Western Conference has now been narrowed down to its final two teams. The Houston Rockets and the Golden State Warriors, play a similar style of game, but who will come out number one.

Golden State is the clear favorite to win this series but they’re some questions that need to be answered about this team. The Warriors leaders “the splash brothers” have proven in the playoffs they can’t be productive if their defender is physical. Their shooting capabilities disappear and they become frustrated. Last time these teams met this observation held true. Steph Curry picked up an early technical foul and was on the verge of receiving a second technical foul after physical play by Patrick Beverly and Trevor Ariza. The Golden State Warriors in order to win this series must keep their composer and stick to what got them this far in the play offs. This starts with their leaders Steph Curry and Klay Thompson. Steph Curry can’t be the player, pouting on the bench after going down 2-1 to the Grizzlies.

The Rockets on the flip side have turned a corner. The Rockets haven’t won the title yet but this team is coming into this series with a different mindset. The last time these teams met starting rockets point guard, Patrick Beverly, was a huge defensive road hump for Steph Curry. With Beverly out of the line up, the Rockets have the daunting task of defending Steph Curry, which creates a major problem for the Rockets. Steph Curry can make something out of nothing. Whether it is a play or launching a shot up before a 24 second violation, he is the engine to the Golden State Warriors. You stop him you stop the entire flow of the Warriors.

These teams do a lot of penetrating and dishing it out to the open man on the permeiter. The two guys responsible for this is James Harden and Steph Curry. Which ever team can limit this style of play has the edge. The additional oberservation of the Rockets offence was shown in the Clippers Rockets series. The Rockets ability to pound the ball inside when their shoots from the permierter aren’t falling. This will pose a threat to the warriors because of their size advantage. The Rockets have the size advantage at every position. Their ability to exploit that will be essential in this series.

Both teams have sharp three point shooters on the floor at all times so this match-up will come down to the battle on the glass. While three point shooting allows the rebounds to be long, both teams will have to battle it out on the boards.  I think the Rockets will lose game one but they will make adjustments to start game two. The Warriors will pull it out in 7 games.  

Although I picked the warriors to win this series I would not be shocked if the Rockets pull the upset.