Wednesday, June 17, 2015

And just like that No NBA until OCTOBER......

The NBA finals have now come to a close. The Golden State Warriors won the Championship....... but many have questioned the legitimacy of their championship. Considering the fact Steph Curry didn't face off against any healthy starting point guards the entire playoffs.... some would go as far as saying .....this championship should have an astrix next to it. I wouldn't go that far. Lets be honest the Golden State Warriors had the over all best record in the league (out of both conferences). The argument of this season having more injured super stars then usual could be used to counter that statement. I agree with the counter argument, but they're is something to think about. The Warriors built up such a large leads in the fourth quarter during the regular season Steph Curry rarely played. I agree..... this season more then any other season had a NBA Finals Champion before the contending began. The award had their name on it.... they just had to claim the prize. It goes deeper...... having "luck" and many other things swing your way over the course of the season is the recipe for the NBA Championship. The Warriors cooked up the recipe and deserved the Championship.

Now on to next season and the NBA draft which will begin a week from Thursday. If the Warriors plan to repeat this Championship........ Luck will have to be on their side again. If the injury bug happens to sweep every team in the league again except the Warriors..... you will have to wonder......are they plotting on their competition.

On to the interesting news, the Cleveland Cavaliers next season will be the favorite(if all players are back and healthy) to win the championship. I personally think they need more reliable wing men (guards) out on the perimeter...... getting the job done in big game situations..... but that is just me.  A  player who could fill that role is Noris Cole. Noris Cole, a free agent and former teammate of LeBron James, won two championships in Miami, and was a force on the defensive end. His approach of bringing high energy off the bench was the central reason..... why I thought they won their 2013 Championship. Cole is a free agent this off season and a North East Ohio native ........ knowing LeBron.....he will definitely take advantage of a former teammate and Ohio native by adding him to the roster. In addition he knows what Cole can contribute under pressure and on the Finals stage.

In the West..... I still believe regardless of how this season played out the Oklahoma City Thunder are the best and deepest team in the Western Conference. They are followed by the San Antonio Spurs and Golden State Warriors. No matter what happened this season the Warriors won a fluky Championship. While it was well deserved...... it was to EASY. Every team they faced in the playoff was not at full strength. Its hard to give them all the credit when they weren't given the opportunity to compete against the top teams at full strength. If they are able to win again next season ......I will apologize for that statement.

The Thunder with a healthy Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook and Serge Ibaka protecting the front line would have been a true test for the Warriors coming out of the West. Unfortunately, they weren't given the opportunity to face off against them. I hope next season these two teams (if everyone is healthy) are able to face off against each other in the Western Conference Finals. That would be a true treat for basketball fans. I would love to be wrong about the Warriors. I have to see them beat the best teams in the Western Conference in a 7 games series at full strength before I can give them full credit for this Championship.

With that being said.... its sad basketball season is over but the draft will be next Thursday and their is a lot of talent in the 2015 draft. The wait for these players to make their stamp on the league is long awaited.  I'm excited about how they will impact and change the game. Super excited for the 2015-2016 NBA season set to begin in October.

Great season!

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