Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Are we witnessing HISTORY ....

I many NBA fans are rooting for NBA history to be made this season in the finals. This goes beyond the Cavaliers winning their first NBA title ever or the Warriors winning their first title in 40 years. A personal accomplishment of LeBron James..... not only catching Magic Johnson in the race for the leagues most triple doubles in the Finals but Michael Jordan, Jerry West, and Rick Barry for most points scored and averaged among three games in the finals. James is in first place with 123 points scored in the first three games of a finals series followed by Rick Barry and Jerry West.

When Kyrie Irving went down it was apparent the Cavaliers had no chance against the high powered offense of the Golden State Warriors. A different message has been absorbed through the first three games. When Irving went down in game one a new star emerged for the Cavaliers and the phrase "Next man up" was the exact motto of, Cavaliers guard, Matthew Dellavedova. His defensive lift since being inserted into the starting line up was huge for the Cavaliers. I hate to say it but defensively he has caused Steph Curry more problems then, teammate, Kyrie Irving. What ever the case may be this team is completely locked in defensively. The way the Cavaliers have held the Warriors to under 100 points during regulation after they average 110 points during the regular season is nothing short of remarkable.

We are witnessing history in the making. It was never a question of could LeBron be the Michael Jordan of this era it was a matter of him physically showing it out on the court. His physical stature puts him above all the greats because of his ability to play all positions on the floor. The way he has willed this team into believing they have a chance to beat one of the top three (regular season records) teams in NBA history is nothing short of pure greatness. If he is able to pull this off and get his third ring there is no question of who the best player is..... that has played the game.

*P.S. Michael Jordan is my favorite player but there is no way you could ignore the history that is unfolding in this finals. LeBron James would be the best player to play the game ... no other player could do what he has done with this team in the finals ... NOT ONE ...

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