Thursday, May 29, 2014


A teams ability to be productive isn't always reliant on one player, but it could determine the enegry level and environment that the teams plays at. This statement was very prevalent in game five, Wednesday night, as the MIAMI HEAT took on the INDIANA PACER. The Miami heat team would face adversity early in game five as star forward Lebron James would pick up two silly fouls early in the first quarter. This would change the style of play by the Miami heat team with out their leader . The heat would soon gain a nine point lead on the Pacers early in the second despite all of the silly fouls called on the team. The heat would prove without their best player they could offensively produce. Second half the heat would begin to show their loop holes with out the presence of Lebron they would begin to struggle defensively which would covert to offensive inefficiency. Progressing through the fourth quarter Lebron James would reenter the game but a new star would emerge on the opposing team. Indiana Pacers forward Paul George would score a daunting 21 points in the fourth quarter alone, as heat forward Lebron James would be tormented by pacers guard Lance Stephenson by childish tactics "blowing" in the ear. Stephensons tactics didn't fulfill what his intial goal was, which was to get James to file out of the ball game but has gained a lot of attention. The pacers would go on to take game five 93-90. 

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