Monday, May 12, 2014

The best day of Your LIFE (NFL DRAFT)

As a football player your number one goal is to always be good enough to make it to the next level. As a high school student often players say, one day I want to play in the NFL . Once you get that scholarship offer to go on to the next level and play college ball , that dream often becomes a reality. It becomes obtainable and reachable. For many players this past weekend, they saw the reward of their hard work. Some from middle school to present, as their hard work would finally pay off in a way they never dreamed of. The NFL draft is a dream that every football player, one day wants to hear their name called. "And the Cleveland Browns select _______". Their number one dream is to be that player, that blank as many may say. Their dream also isn't just to be that name or that blank, it is also to live up to the strong and challenging expectations set forth by the organization. For many players this weekend they were given that opportunity starting with the first pick of the 2014 NFL draft. Jadeveon Clowney a defensive end , was the first player given this opportunity to live up to all expectations set forth by the Houston Texans organization. As being a first round draft pick and the first player drafted, he has very high expectations to live up to. Being on a team with the 2012 Defensive Player of the year JJ Watt, he will have great competition and leadership on what it means to be great, as he will train right beside the best. Other star players that were key in this draft were Johnny Manziel and Michael Sam. Manziel was anything but a high quality player. Some predicted him to go first in the draft, while others often made remarks that he was to short or that his style of game wouldn't be able to translate to the NFL. When Manziel had premiered in his Pro Day, he silenced alot of those critics because of his performance. Manziel was drafted later then many had expected as he would go during the middle of the first round to the Cleveland Browns. Even though the Cleveland Browns had passed on Manziel, during their number eight pick during the draft, they eventually came back around to get Manziel later in the first. Manziel, similar to alot of these players in the draft, have very high expectations to live up to because of his star quality and capabilities,not being the "typical" quarter back. Sam much as Manziel faced alot of attention leading up to the draft and was criticized by many because of his sexuality. Sam didn't let the words of the critics stop his potential to be  the "greatest". Sam was SCC defensive player of the year this past season but it took teams a while on draft day to draft the high quality defensive player. Sam wasn't drafted until late in the seventh round which some may equate to his sexuality being the reason for the drop. As before the remarks came out about his sexuality Sam was predicted to possibly go late in the second round. What ever the case may be Sam is very eager and excited to prove all the critics wrong and show teams that secuality doesn't define you as a football players and that they missed out on a star athlete , he is ready to be "great".

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