Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Last night we got to see the most anticipated MLB match up of the season. The 84th MLB baseball All-star game took place last night, and we got to see the top players in the league show off there talents and show why they were chosen to be part of the American and National teams . The first three innings of the game both teams would get off to a slow start, with both teams coming up empty. Fourth inning the nationals would come up empty, but the Americans would make the first runs of the game. Bautista would hit a sacrifice fly ball to center field, helping Cabrera score, making the score at the bottom of the fourth 1-0.  Fifth inning the nationals would come up empty once again, but the Americans would sore to greater heights, making a crucial run. Hardy would hit a ground ball to second, helping Jones score, making the score at the bottom of the fifth 2-0. Sixth inning the nationals would come up short again., while Americans would begin to grow momentum, going on to score again in the sixth , with Kipnis hitting a double to left field, helping Perez score. At the bottom of the sixth the americans would be leading 3-0. Neither team would score the rest of the game. The Americans would go on to win it, shutting out nationals 3-0.

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