Thursday, January 9, 2014


Thursday's (January 9,2014) match-up against the MIAMI HEAT and NEW YORK KNICKS didn't seem like a competitive match-up on paper. The heat were one of the top two teams in Eastern Conference as they would sit in the second seed and the Knicks were a different story as they would sit at the bottom of the Eastern conference in the bottom two spots. The heat were the clear favorite in the match-up leading up to thursday night. The first quarter the heat would take a six point lead as they would out score the knicks 27-21 in the first period. Second quarter the knicks would battle back to cut into the deficit before the end of the half, as they would out score the heat in the second period 22-21. The heat would have a 5 point lead at the half. Third quarter the knicks would surge out to a strong lead as they would out score the heat by 9 points in the third 32-23 taking a four point lead heading into the fourth quarter. Fourth quarter the knicks would continue to carry their momentum, out scoring the heat in the fourth 27-21. Leading scorers for the Miami heat were Lebron James with 32 points, 5 rebounds, and 6 ast., Dwayne Wade with 23 points, 4 rebounds, and 2 ast. Leading scorers for the knicks were Carmelo with 29 points, 8 rebounds, and 5 ast. and Iman Shumpert with 12 points, 9 rebounds, and 3 ast. The New York knicks bench out scored the Miami heat's bench 22-13 which played a large role in the out come of this game. A hard faught game it was as the knicks would go on to win it 102-92.

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