Tuesday, January 28, 2014

NFL Media Day

As we wind down to sunday and get closer and closer to the Super Bowl, the excitement is beginning to grow, starting with Media Day Tuesday. Tuesday both the DENVER BRONCOS and the SEATTLE SEAHAWKS took the podium to answer all press and media questions. Even players such as Marshawn Lynch. Lynch is the Seahawks starting running back and over the past season has has made it known that he isn't a media person, and has even skipped after games press conferences. It was super bowl media day and he spoke out to the media for the first time. He wasn't given a podium, but he told reporters tuesday "They just want to make sure I show up to perform". He was talking about his fellow Seahawk players. Another standout player that took the podium was Richard Sherman. Sherman after the NFC playoff game went on a rant about how the 49 ers receivers were "overrate" such as Michael Crabtree. Over the past few weeks he has faced alot of  heat for his after game interview, but tuesday he cleaned up his comments and corrected all remarks made in the after game interview. He wanted the focus to be turned on his teammates rather then himself, he said tuesday "All of these cameras should go to my teammates." On the Broncos end of things Wes Welker had some words tuesday as, to health of him self and his troublesome concussions and its meaning on if he will be able to play sunday and his effectiveness." You know. You want to be out there. It's the Super Bowl. Like , this is what you dream about. You're gonna be there. I don't care what it takes." Over all were in for a great treat Super Bowl Sunday.

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