Saturday, August 2, 2014

Friendly Competition takes a Detremental turn for the Worst....

As a typical Friday approaches during the NBA 2014 off season the USA team is taking their final practice before a Friday night broad casted national scrimmage. This exhibition game was a little taste of friendly competition as typical competitors of opposite teams come together to represent one unit , one country. After three full quarters of play in Las Vegas, Nevada things seemed on Friday evening to be full filling its true purpose,  a taste of competition  following the closing of the NBA season. As the game progressed, it seemed to be running smoothly in the fourth quarter, until things took an unexpected turn for the worst. As forward of white team U.S.A James Harden ran his routine drive to the basket, forward of team blue Paul George came in to defind this play. Following the play George was down and was expected from the looks of things to be able to bounce right back up as he did in practice. George did not "bounce right back up", as he layed on the floor vieing for metics attention. After replay was shown of the play, the injury that George suffered was similar to that of Louisville cardinals guard Kevin Ware in the 2013-2014 final four tournament. Team USA was in disbelief after hearing the news from the sideline as players were brought to tears after seeing one of their own brothers go down in something similar to a practice. A game that was preparing them for the coming weeks. Saturday it was reported that George is expected to be ok, but after emergency surgery Friday evening his has a long rode ahead of him. The Indiana Pacers president, Larry Bird, also came out with a statement Friday evening "We are aware of the injury sustained by Paul George in Friday night's Team USA game in Las Vegas and we are obviously greatly concerned". George is out for the remainder of team USA run in the international tournament, but will he be ready for the NBA season or be able to play at all in the 2014-2015 season? This uncertainty is now a great concern for not just team USA , but the NBA and the Indiana Pacers organization.

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