Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Michael Sam

Michael Sam has raised various questions over  the past few months, about his college and short NFL career. Often being judged about personal sexuality decisions.  Leaving fans wanting to know what will happen to this former NCAA defensive player of the year. Will his game be able to transfer to the "big leagues" or will he be just another gay man that we look down upon in society? We often judge, not giving full respect to individuals similar to that of Michael Sam, believing that he does not have the same capabiities as a straight male.  Tuesday, Sam made the 1 st round of team cuts , getting on the 75 man roster, but the struggle will come in the next week as the team makes its final cuts to get down to a 52 man roster. Difficult, as this may seem Sam has positioned him self as a top contender for one of the final spots, as he has had a excellent pre season thus far. Following Tuesday's decision, it will be shown in the coming days what will happen to Sam and this St. Louis Rams organization.

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