Tuesday, June 25, 2013

NCAA College World Series

Tonight was a very exciting night in the NCAA. Tonight the final game of the NCAA World Series would take place, and only two teams would be standing. The UCLA BRUINS  and the MISSISSIPPI STATE BULLDOGS. First inning the bruins would get out to a early lead, coming up big in the first inning with Filia of the Bruins hitting a fly ball to right field helping Carroll get home and score. Mississippi state would come up empty in the first. Second inning both teams would come up empty. Third inning the bruins would come up big again, but Mississippi state would continue to struggle. Carrol would score off of a previous play with Filia hitting a fly ball. Later in the inning Kramer would also come up big for the bruins, putting them up 3-0 at the bottom of third. Fourth inning Mississippi state would still struggle to get off of there feet. The bruins Regis would  hit a single to center field helping Williams score. Later in the inning Regis of the bruins would score to put the bruins up 5-0 at the bottom of the fourth. Fifth inning both teams would come up empty. Sixth inning the bruins would continue to grow momentum, while Mississippi State struggled. Filia of the bruins hit a single to center field helping Regis score. Later in the inning Filia would hit another single to right field helping Carroll score. The bruins would go on to win the College World Series shutting the bull dogs out 8-0.

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