Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Today's WNBA match-up were the SAN ANTONIO SILVER STARS vs MINNESOTA LYNX. First quarter both teams came out equally aggressive, but the stars would get the edge, out scoring the lynx in the first 16-14. Second quarter the lynx would out score the stars in the second, 21-20, and would only be down by one point, going into half time. Second half the lynx would domiante, out scoring the stars, 25-17. Third quarter the lynx would out score the stars 25-17, taking a commanding lead over the stars going into the fourth. Fourth quarter the lynx would add to there dominaiting third quarter performance, with having a dominating fourth quarter performance, by out scoring the stars in the fourth 27-19. Leading scorers for the stars were Johnson with 16 points , Milton-Jones with 8 rebounds, and Robinson with 7 ast. Leading scorers for the stars were Whalen with 23 points and 6 ast. and Moore with 9 rebounds.

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