Monday, April 29, 2013

NFL updates (Draft, Trades, and cuts)

These past few days for the NFL have been very interesting. Teams such as the New York Jets  have made some very interesting decisions drawing alot of attention to there franchise. In the 2013 NFL Draft the New York Jets picked up leading quarter back for West Virginia Geno Smith,  in the second round which raised questions about the franchise. Since the jets already had starting quarter back Mark Sanchez and back up quarter back Tim Tebow, this drew alot of attention to the franchise. Earlier this morning, after failing to get any draft picks  for Tim Tebow, he was cut earlier this morning by the jets General Manager, which has drew even more attention to the franchise.  Another startling developing story in the NFL is the Philadelphia Eagles. The Eagles made a interesting pick in the draft to select quarter back Matt Barkley , starting quarter back for the USC Trojans , which raises questions over there franchise,and starting quarter back Michael Vick. Is Michael Vick's career over with in Philadelphia? The eagles also have some interesting decisions to make in there franchise to see who there starting quarter back will be . Another developing story in the NFL are the San Diego Chargers. The Chargers last season had a losing record in the NFL , but were hoping in the draft they could get there team back to where it was few years ago with some minor changes. The chargers in the second round picked up linebacker Manti Te'o. The chargers aldo got some key defensive players in the draft as well to bring there teams back to where it used to be. There team is a team to watch next year.

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