Monday, March 18, 2013


Tonight's first match-up of the evening were the INDIANA PACERS vs CLEVELAND CAVALIERS. The Indiana pacers came into this game as the number two seed in the Eastern Conference. The Pacers had a record coming into this game of 40-26. The Cleveland Cavaliers have had there struggles this season trying to build a strong team around point guard Kyrie Irving, but there trying to battle through it . The Cavaliers came into this game with a record of 22-44. First quarter the Indiana pacers came out very strong out scoring the Cavaliers in the first 27-24. Second quarter the Pacers dominated out scoring the Cavaliers for the second quarter 33-21. Second half the Pacers came out very strong and continuing there great play of basketball out scoring the Cavaliers in the third 27-17. Fourth quarter the Cavaliers would try to fight back but it would be to little to late they would out score the Pacers 28-24. Leading scorers for the Pacers were Gerald Green 20 points, 6 rebounds, and 2 ast. and Tyler Hansbrough 18 points and 11 rebounds. Leading scorers for the Cavaliers were Tristan Thompson with 20 points, 11 rebounds, and 2 ast and  C.J. Miles with 21 points, 2 rebounds, and 1 ast. The Indiana Pacers would go on to win it 111-90.

Tonight's second match-up of the evening were the MIAMI HEAT vs BOSTON CELTICS. The Miami heat came into this game on a 22 game winning , tied for the second longest winning streak of all time. The Miami heat are the best team in the NBA right now coming into this game with a record of 51-14. The Boston Celtics came into this game as being a strong playoff team in the Eastern Conference. The Boston Celtics came into this game with a record of 36-29. First quarter the Boston Celtics came out dominating out scoring the heat in first 31-19. Second quarter the heat would fight back, out scoring the Celtics in the second 34-28. Second half the heat would continue fighting back outscoring the Celtics in the third 25-23. Fourth quarter the heat would dominate and would out score the Celtics in the fourth 27-21. Leading scorers for the Miami heat were Lebron James with 37 points, 12 ast, and 7 rebounds ,Mario Chalmers with 21 points, 2 ast, and 3 rebounds, and Dwayne Wade with 16 points, and 7 rebounds, and 6 ast. Leading scorers for the Boston Celtics were Jeff Green with 43 points, 7 rebounds, and 2 ast and Paul Pierce with 17 points, 8 rebounds, and 8 ast. This was a very hard fought game but the Miami heat would prevail and would go on to win it 105-103 continuing there winning streak to 23 straight. (Miami Heat teammates Lebron James and Dwayne Wade working together to get the win done tonight against the Boston Celtics)

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