Sunday, May 12, 2013

MLB Sunday

Tonight's match-up of the evening were the TORONTO BLUE JAYS  vs BOSTON REDSOX. The blue jays came into this game with a record of 14-24. The Red sox came into this game with a record of 22-15. Starting off in the first inning, both teams would get off to a slow start. Both teams wouldn't score in the first inning. Second inning the red sox would come up short, but the blue jays would take advantage of the redsox, slow start. The blue jays, Kawasaki would hit a single to right, helping Lind and Bonifacio get home and make two important runs, to put them out to a 2-0 lead over the redsox. Third inning the redsox would come up empty, but the blue jays would take advantage. Bautista of the blue jays would hit a big time home run to left field, making the score 3-0. Fourth inning the blue jays Boifacio would hit a home run, helping Ramus and himself get runs in, but the redsox's would have a answer. Napoli of the red sox would hit a home run, making the score 5-1 at the bottom of the fourth. Fifth inning the redsox would come up empty, but the blue jays would take advantage. Encarnacion of the blue jays would hit a left field home run, making the score at the bottom of the fifth 6-1. Sixth inning Lawrie and Bautista would hit left field home runs, also in the inning Bonoifacio and Kawaski would benefit from these home runs, helping them get home. Later in the inning redsox's Nava would hit a fly ball to right field to help his team made Pedroia score, making the score at the bottom of the sixth 10-2. Neither team would score in the seventh. Eighth inning the blue jays would fall short, but the redsox knew this was there time to cut into the deficit. Ciricaco of the red sox would hit a big time home run to left field, later in the inning Napoli would score off of a big time play with Saltalamacchia hitting a ground ball to the short stop. At the end of the eighth the blue jays would still be winning 10-4.  Ninth inning the redsox would come up short, but the blue jays would go on to extend there lead. Encarnacion of the blue jays would hit a single to right field, helping Cabrera get a much needed score in for the blue jays, later in the inning Arcibia would hit a ground ball to get a double play , Bautita would score. The blue jays would go on to win it 12-4.

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