Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Tonight's match-up of the evening were the SEATTLE MARINERS vs LOS ANGELES ANGELS. The mariners came into this game with a record of 20-26. The angels came into this game with a record of 18-27. First inning the mariners would come up empty, but the angels would take full advantage. The angels Hamilton would hit a single to left field, to help Trout and Pujols get two important runs in for the angels. Later in the inning Callaspo would hit a double to right field , to help Trumbo and Kendrick get another two important runs in. Later Conger of the angels would hit a single to right field and would bring in his team made Callaspo. By the end of the first the angels were up 5-0. Second inning the mariners would come up scoreless, but the angels would look to extend there lead. Pujols of the angels would hit a single to center field, to help Trout score, putting the angels up 6-0 at the bottom of the second. Third inning the mariners would be scoreless, but the angels would come up big . Aybar of the angels would hit a single to center field and would help his team mate Callaspo make a  run in for the angels. By the bottom of the third the mariners were scoreless and the Angels were up 7-0. The fourth through seventh inning neither team would score. By the eighth inning the mariners would get started on the offensive end. Saunders would hit a ground ball to first base to help , Ryan score, making the score at the bottom of the eighth 1-7. Neither team would score in the ninth. The angels would go on  to win it 7-1.

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